Aspie Burnout

Planet Autism Blog

Image“Aspie burnout” is a colloquial term, that the clinical world doesn’t seem to acknowledge as a genuine part of the autistic spectrum, resulting from the attempts to “be normal”, fit in and keep up.  Here, I think it is very useful to draw peoples’ attention to Christine Miserandino’s ‘spoon theory’: because when I read it, I saw such immense parallels with living with Asperger’s/autism.  It can creep up on you, it can hit any time, but for sure, most Aspies will have experienced Aspie burnout by the time they hit 35.

Basically, the higher functioning you are, the more others expect of you and also, the more you push yourself.  You have an invisible disability, you look normal and have no apparent physical difference.  So why can’t you behave and carry on like everyone else?  Sure, everyone gets tired, sure they also can get burnout from pushing themselves too…

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